Supporting women, children & young people

Rape and Sexual Abuse Service

Support Services

Rape and Sexual Abuse Service

Taking the first step of telling someone can be difficult. We understand how hard that can be. 

We provide a confidential and safe environment so that you can access the support you need.

We have a specialist worker trained in sexual violence and sexual abuse.

The service can offer support to women and girls aged 13+ who have experienced rape, sexual assault, child abuse and sexting.

Support can take place face to face or by phone, video and outreach.

Anonymous Text service

We also offer a live chat service, every Wednesday, between 5pm and 8pm.

Texts can be sent to 07938 604 275 during this time.

This is an anonymous and confidential service available for any woman and girl aged 13+ who is in need of advice and support. 

All advice is FREE and in confidence
Safe Solution For Health
For more information on our Rape and Sexual Abuse Service please contact us using the number below
For more information on our Rape and Sexual Abuse Service please contact us using the numbers below: