Supporting women, children & young people

Young People Testimonials

Children & Young People

Young People Testimonials - with our help we can create an individual care and support plan

“Mum said be strong and you will get through it, there are people out there who can help.”

“I always found someone to talk to but when we left and got to Inverclyde Women’s Aid, I was so happy mum was laughing and not crying all the time.”

“When I came to the refuge everyone was nice and I felt comfortable and safe.”

“I am a lot happier in refuge, I met some pals, and we go to the same school you always need a pal.”

“I am very proud of how we mended the hole in our family by leaving and getting another home without Dad.”

“I did not want to leave my home or change my school as I was doing my exams and was embarrassed but glad, I did go because we got a better house and I had my own room, don’t see Dad my choice.”

“I was scared all the time when I had to go home, I did not know if Mum would be okay. She tried to hide the fighting from me but couldn’t as it was getting more regular and one day Mum came to school and got me, said we are leaving, went to Refuge with nothing and got lots of help and things from worker’s.”

For more information on our Young People testimonials please contact us using the number below
For more information on our Young People Testimonials please contact us using the numbers below: